
As a pro makeup artist, I’m a living, breathing magnet for new products. Mecca has a new release? Say no more – I’ll be on the first train to go (safely) play with the tester…
Once in a while thoug...

Makeup & Acne: What Causes It & How to Avoid It
Worried your makeup is making your acne worse? It's a tale as old as time - you wear a full face of makeup and the next day you can feel a nasty boi lurking below the surface, ready to break throug...

Kit Hygiene: Makeup Artist 101
Five must-haves for the ultimate kit hygiene: an essential read for all up and coming makeup artists.

Spring Clean Your Beauty Routine
Top tips for spring cleaning your makeup bag and skincare routine. We tackle expiry dates, adjusting your skincare for the seasons and taking the chance to try a new trend.

What is 'maskne' and how can you avoid it?
When 2020 wasn't bad enough, maskne dropped in and said 'hold my beer'. Saint Jack tells you what causes it, what you can do to fix it and why silk masks are the best solution for your skin.